OK – Va bene! – inspiring title this time but an interesting two weeks since the last post.
Climate change – well Copenhagen is going on as I write, but the real climate change here is that we have the central heating on permanently now with the winter now with us in strength. Some of the days have been glorious with Brisbane Blue clear skies but that makes the evenings much colder. Today was plain ‘bleak’ with overcast and even light rain.
We both went on a walking Italian class – almost three hours and wonderful but cold (Cold) with a capital C. We walked around Monti and discovered that in imperial times it was the suburb just outside the city where the scruffy people lived. It is now kind of ‘hip’ and has some delightful streets with cool shops. Our favourite was the chocolate shop that did a great hot chocolate today (after the walk) at 3,50 Euro a cup - $5 Oz. Visa – priceless !!! No hot chocolate – priceless!!!!!!!
Another promising step is that our sea shipment is supposed to be delivered to us tomorrow, Monday, provided Italian customs clears it. Given that I have an import duty exemption, unless they are looking for illicit items, or want to be ‘slow’, we should be right.
And finally … ancient traditions reignited? Well, after the great fire, Rome instituted the fore-runner of today’s fire services with the Vigili del Fuoco – the ‘alerters’ of fires. They still exist under that name but these days there aren’t many fires. The odd apartment explodes due to a gas leak, but the buildings are all made of largely non-combustible materials.
So where is the current demand for the Vigili? It seems that Romans lock themselves out of their apartments with a regularity. The Vigili have hugely-powerful magnets that they use to turn the locks (usually a lot of them) without the key. We didn’t lose our keys. But ‘we’ did close the door with the key in the door – but on the inside of the door. Ian has spare keys and came home to fix things, but of course with a key in the lock, you can’t put a key in the lock from the other side.
As it was no deadlock at this stage, Ian thinks he can slide some plastic sheeting through the crack in the door and push the tongue of the lock back. Good idea but a failure. But the bride came to the rescue and called the Vigili on her mobile, who arrived in a big red truck after Ian had returned to work – four of them – 50 minutes later (she had been told that they would come in 10 or 50 minutes – not a mistaken ‘15’ – No!! either they had to come straight away or after lunch. The stomachs (four of them) won out.
Ah!! Roma!!!
Arrivederci for now.
The photos? Centurians ordering pizza at the Colosseo Metro entrance (as you do!); Copenhagen comes to Roma; Christmas preparations overwhelm Piazza Navona with stalls and likenesses of La Befana - the Christmas witch - noice!!; JWs Romano-style - attack at the bus stop; and the lads - vigilis one and all.
The photos? Centurians ordering pizza at the Colosseo Metro entrance (as you do!); Copenhagen comes to Roma; Christmas preparations overwhelm Piazza Navona with stalls and likenesses of La Befana - the Christmas witch - noice!!; JWs Romano-style - attack at the bus stop; and the lads - vigilis one and all.
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